More About Brendon
Thanks for stopping by to get to know a little bit more about me
I’m a strong believer in the combination of education, experience and practical application. All of these variables in my opinion are essential when it comes to personalising an individuals health, fitness and lifestyle program.
My fascination with the body comes from years of educated trial and error. Working with, and under, some of the world’s most successful body builders and educators has allowed me to take on and experience at first hand so many different avenues. They range from safely applying nutritional techniques, training strategies, optimal hormone balance, stress reduction, detoxification to supplementation amongst the many intricate pieces that come under the broad umbrella of health, fitness and lifestyle management.
"My commitment to my personal health and fitness stems from my love for competitive bodybuilding."
I have always been intrigued by the body’s incredible ability to recover, rejuvenate, change and adapt under any circumstances. As a reckless youth involved in drugs and alcohol, excessive weight gain to extreme weight loss and wastage, I learnt that provided with the right fuels to nurture the inner systems the body’s ability to bounce back is truly remarkable.
My clients can rest assured that my passion for the health and fitness industry flows over into efficiently and effectively designing tailor made programs that ensure the individual excels. Compliance and commitment has always been my strong point, so when I learn of a new technique or strategy for physique refinement I apply myself 150% to ensure I work out all the finer details to enable the correct application to the right individual.
I firmly believe it’s never to late to take your health back and become the best you possible. We all have to start somewhere and often once we take that first step and embrace our journey there is no holding you back. My commitment to you is to educate you on the ‘whys’ in regards to the tasks required in order to achieve the goals you have set out and to support and drive you to succeed in a healthy, safe and sustainable way so that you can carry with you and share with others for the rest of your life.
Lets make it happen. There's no time like the present!
I’m currently available for online consultations (via Skype or email) and face to face biosignature appointments. Personal training is available on request and in conjunction with our highly successful 6-12 week training programs. Together we will map out the most efficient and productive way for you to move forward with your health, fitness and lifestyle management goals – I look forward to working with you!